Wednesday 5 March 2014

The Power of Height

Shop shelving may seem like a simple concept, and the majority of people just think you place a product on a shelf and be done with it. However, in order to move and sell products more effectively, it depends entirely on how you choose to display merchandise. When merchandise is presented inefficiently, it can severely devalue customer experience. Luckily, our shelves have the ability to provide variety and diversity to your products and business.

It may seem quite straightforward, but don’t underestimate the power of height. Height can help display products more effectively and efficiently for the customer. There’s no point in trying to stock as much product as possible on four shelves if they’re all crammed together, as this then makes it difficult for the customer to examine and learn more about the product. Ensure that the shelves are equally distributed between one another, as uneven shelf displays can look a little distorted, and can make a customer’s shopping experience much more complex than needed.

It, of course, doesn’t hurt to experiment with different height levels, but it’s important to remember that the display as a whole must come across as neat, tidy and accessible to the customer. Mirroring shelves have been proven to provide a much more pleasant shopping experience, it also comes across as orderly and easy to understand to the customer. 

It’s no secret that it’s getting tougher and tougher for shops to turn over a profit, which is why it’s getting more and more important that shops ensure that their products are displayed in the best possible manner for customers, and to make their shopping experience easier for them, and more effective for the company. 

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